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Group delay explanation and measurement
What is group delay? Let’s try to give a beginner friendly group delay explanation. First of all, you will find the term group delay in all kinds of areas which…
Loudspeaker step response measurement and explanation
Step response in audio The loudspeaker step response is a plot derived from the impulse response, and holds useful information regarding the quality of the loudspeaker. The step response is…
Speaker impulse response explained – the basics
What is an impulse response (IR)? The speaker impulse response is something a little bit more complicated than it looks on the surface. You definitely have seen this term, if…
Quasi anechoic loudspeaker measurements Part 2
How to make loudspeaker measurements using ARTA ? This is the second part of our loudspeaker measurements tutorial. If you haven’t already, go and read the first part of the…
Quasi anechoic loudspeaker measurements Part 1
How to make full range frequency response measurements without a true anechoic chamber ? You are probably asking yourself, is that even possible, and what is this quasi anechoic loudspeaker…