Measure speaker frequency response – Different techniques
How to measure speaker frequency response ? If you want to measure speaker frequency response, you will need some basic equipment, and sometimes, not so basic environment. The simplest measuring…
Measuring thiele small parameters Part 2
How to calculate Thiele Small parameters Episode 2 This is the second part of “How to measure Thiele Small parameters” article. Make sure that you read the first article, by…
Measuring thiele small parameters Part 1
How to measure the TS parameters of a speaker ? Measuring thiele small parameters is not something that only people in white coats get to do. With the appropriate tools and…
Folded horn speaker design – explanation and calculator
How does a folded horn speaker design work? The folded horn speaker design is a particular case of a normal horn design. Horn’s main purpose is to increase the efficiency of…
4th order bandpass calculator – With box design example
How to build a 4th order bandpass subwoofer box in 7 steps? The 4th order bandpass box design is not recommended for the first time builder. You need some experience…
Transmission line speaker design – Acoustical labyrinth
What is a transmission line speaker ? Also called acoustic labyrinth or maze, the transmission line speaker design is a type of enclosure that follows a simple concept, yet hard to…